Thursday, November 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Daddy!!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Out of the mouths of Mom-Mom's babes...
Yes Julianna's shirt is on inside out. Yes, Kyle is wearing his Bumble Bee Transformer costume. Yes, Jake and Drew are still in their jammies.
Happy Birthday Ann!!
Sorry Ann, was that a secret? It shouldn't be. She's the youngest 70 year old I know.
I thought in honor of this special day I would pay a small tribute to this special lady.
I remember the first time I met Ann. I was a little nervous. Todd and I had been dating just a couple of weeks I think. I remember walking to the door of her home thinking about what someone had once told me. They had told me that you can tell a lot about a man by how he treats his mother. That how he treats her is how he will treat you.
Todd introduced me to his Mom and my nervousness evaporated. Talking with her was easy and comfortable. She made me feel so welcome in her home. She still does!
Watching Todd interact with his Mom made me laugh. They talked and joked so easily with each other. I could tell that he had so much respect and love for her. So this is the woman who raised this man! Yesssssss!!!!
For the first many years of Todd's and my relationship Ann's home was the meeting place for family get togethers. I always looked forward to going to her home. Sitting in front of the fireplace, eating good food, talking and laughing together. I was sad when she sold that house. There were a lot of good memories there.
Our kids love their Mom-Mom. She makes special time for each grandchild (she's got 13 now) on their birthday. She comes up and takes them out for lunch and shopping. Just this past week she took Kyle out. He asked every day for a week, "When is my date with Mom-Mom? Is it here yet?"
Just a few months ago she and Al and Uncle Blair all came over to our house to care for the kids so Todd and I could get away for the weekend. That really meant a lot to me. It meant a lot to Todd. The kids had a blast being spoiled all weekend long. When they left Jake cried for a few days. He had to get used to not being carried around all day long :)
This past Mother's Day my sisters and I had our sorta annual Mother's Day brunch. We invite our Moms and friends who are sorta like our Moms. Anyway this is a picture of Ann and I. I think it is like one of the only pictures I have of just her and I after all these years.
Anyway, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday Ann! You are a wonderful Mother and Mom-Mom and I love you. I'm so glad you are my husband's Mom. Thank you for all you do for your family. I hope I'm as "young" as you are when I'm 70. I hope you have a wonderful day!!
He, he, he! Just you wait till this weekend!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Bedtime Blessings
~soft, half sung, half whispered lullabies
~little chubby hands in my hair and on my face
~gentle puffs of breath on my cheek
~kissing sweaty hair that smells of baby shampoo
~and savoring every second because... he is the last... and growing way too fast.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Who let the Woof-oo out? Who... who,who, who?
All of a sudden my spidey senses started tingling... ok really I just looked up and noticed that the front door was wide open. That can't be good.
I realize that since no one is standing at the open door that the guilty party must have stepped over the threshold and made their (Jake's) escape.
I step out onto the front step and look down the sidewalk to see Jake running at top toddler speed (you know .00001 miles per hour) away from our house. For those of you who have seen Jake run: picture arms swinging to one side as his legs swing out to the other side!
I start to run after him noticing that my chest is bouncing quite painfully as I run. Why I'm still in my jammies with... ahem... no brassier on!!!! Heavens, what if the neighbors see?!
I scoop him up into my arms to shield my untethered chest from the neighborhood and he bursts into tears, "Woof-ooo!" He is leaning out of my arms and reaching with his arms towards... what, what did you just say? "Woof-ooo," he wails again!
I run to the house, "Penny? Penny? Where are you girl?" Oh blast it all! He let the dog out!
Just an aside here. In the past whenever Penny has gotten out she runs freely all over the neighborhood for a good 20-30 minutes. Sometimes seen, sometimes unseen. NEVER catchable till she is ready to come back.
I've got to find her quick! Where is my sweatshirt? (Note that the dog might be hit by a car and lying in the street but vanity still takes precedence here.) Where is Penny's leash? Got it!
I yell for Julianna to keep an eye on Jake, fling open the door and... THERE SHE IS! SITTING ON THE FRONT STEP WAGGING HER TAIL! Don't make any sudden movements and make her run off again!
"Hi girl, come here Penny!" Then I watch totally astonished as she sheepishly wiggles back into the house.
Mindy and Shawn, did you teach her to obey while we were in Maine? Because in the almost 3 years that we've had her this is a first. I mean it is so amazing that I am EVEN BLOGGING about it!
So that was my morning! How's yours going?
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Maine, running, Michelle Kwan, and the moon.
It's time. I've got my kleenex in one hand and a glass of wine in the other... wait... scratch that... they are next to me as I type. I'm ready to share now.
There is a verse in the bible that goes like this: Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12
My hope has been deferred and I'm trying to be a good sport about it. Really I am. But I'm sad. Deflated. And (ask Todd) downright cranky!
Let me back up a bit.
Last year I posted about how inspired I became when I read Emilie's post about her running the MDI Half Marathon. I thought... no... I BELIEVED that I could train and do it too! So badly did I want to be able to train during the winter that I pleaded with Todd to buy a treadmill for Christmas. We did get the treadmill and my training officially began that day. I remember the date without even needing to look it up. Want to know what it was? Well, I'm tellin' you anyway! It was December 19! It's my blog... I can tell you if I want to ;) (told you I was cranky)
I loved the training! I looked forward to the long runs and reaching each and every milestone. I remember the first time I ran 7 then 9 then 10 miles. I love the burn you get in your muscles the next day from a good workout. Yep, I really, sincerely do!
May 3rd was the Frederick Half Marathon. I stressed that week about the rainy forecast, what to wear, running alone, and (excuse me while I get personal) what to do if a certain type of nature called during the race. All the while telling myself that this was just the "practice run" the real one was going to be in Maine in September.
The Frederick Half was an incredible experience! The rain held off till the half way point so that was cool and I found some unexpected friends to run with. I was on a high for the rest of the week after completing that race. I mean 8 months after deciding to do this I had trained and actually done it! Me! The notorious procrastinator!
Summer brought a bit of a rest time and before I knew it it was time to start training for the half marathon in Maine on the 19th of September. You know... my real goal.
Training went well up till I ran 7 miles. That was a good run. The next weekend I was supposed to run 8. I set out with my course plotted and my water bottles stashed.
I made it to mile 5 when all of a sudden out of nowhere pain assaulted my left knee. It was so sudden and startling that I didn't know what to do. I hadn't tripped, stumbled, twisted, or fallen. It was literally the difference between one step and the next. And it was excruciating! I walked a bit thinking... what? Maybe it would go away? Please Lord make it go away!
Walking felt fine. After a few dozen steps I tried to run again. No pain at first but then there it was building slowly and then suddenly excruciating!
I was 2 1/2 miles from home. I tried to walk/run till I finally gave that up to just limp home. Once home I sat to eat dinner. Then I tried to stand up... to find that I could put NO weight on that leg whatsoever. What was going on?
I iced it and took large doses of Alieve for a couple of days. (Note to self: remember to eat with ibuprofen!) AND I rested for the rest of the week. All week long my knee felt fine. It never hurt. I started walking on the treadmill. No pain. I ran a mile on the treadmill. No pain.
The next weekend our training schedule called for a 9 mile run. My thought was this: I'm going to try to run as far as I can. I'd like to run the whole 9 but let's see what I can do. After all the Half was 2 weeks away.
Soooo, once again I set out with water bottles stashed along my route. As I started to run I was so optimistic. I felt great. Nothing hurt. Aerobically I felt great. I can do this, I thought. Last week was just a minor glitch! Then I got to mile 2 and once again my knee betrayed me. I had to stop and walk. Like before I tried to run after walking a bit but it was no use.
I thought of Tom Hanks in Apollo 13, "We just lost the moon."
I thought of Michelle Kwan and the missed gold medals (that's plural folks!)
I know how they feel. (Yes I think to some small degree I do.) I hung my head as I walked and tears stung my eyes. I knew that if I couldn't run now that there was no chance for me to be able to run the Half. I just wouldn't have the training behind me.
As a matter of fact why even go to Maine? What was the point? I'll just stay home with the kids and Todd can go and be with his family.
So that's what I told everyone. I was staying home.
Except... for a year we have been telling the kids that we are all going to Maine. Todd has been training too and why shouldn't we go and at least cheer him on in his first half marathon race?
Maybe I could walk the 13.1 miles instead of running them?
I went to an orthopedic doctor who specializes in sports injuries. He took x-rays and could find nothing wrong with the bones in my knee. He recommended 2 things: 1- It could be an over-use injury brought on because I didn't cross train while training this time. So rest for a few weeks followed by gradually getting back to working out. Then if the same thing happens again he would send me for an MRI. Or 2- go straight for an MRI right now.
I opted for #1. And decided that for better or for worse I would walk the half marathon in Maine instead of running it.
So On Thursday the 17th we got up at 3 in the morning and headed for Maine. It was a 14 hour drive. With 4 kids. Who were fantastic. But still... God bless whoever decided DVD players in vans would be a good idea!
Maine is breathtaking! But I will post about Maine and pictures in another post. This one is all about moi. Sorry like I said, my blog!
Race day was beautiful. Crisp, clear, cold, and beautiful. Emilie met us there early. Walkers start an hour earlier than runners. I was not expecting to see her till the end but there she was. And I knew what that meant. She lives twice as far away from the race as from where Todd and I were staying. So she had to get her family up extra early to make it there for my start time.
Emilie, Thank You. (and of course if you just got there early because you are just anal and need to get places early do not tell me... as this post is all about me that would just ruin the tone now wouldn't it?)
Thank you for getting there early and bringing breakfasty things for the kids and seeing me to the start line. I think you are pretty cool and awesome and sweet. And I'm sorry that Drew tried to kill Reed. Really I am. But more about that in another post.
Soooooo... getting on with the story... before I knew it they blew the horn and we were off and walking. When I say "we" I mean me and all the other walkers that I did not know. That is until Marliese happened by and started to talk to me.
Somehow we just kept talking and walking and before I knew it the first hour had flown by! And I had walked 4 miles in that one hour! Then Marliese tells me that the last half marathon she walked she finished in under 3 hours! Earlier she had spoken of her daughter who is in her early 30's so I'm thinking that she's at least 15 years older than me. AND I'm struggling to keep up with her! Not because of my knee though. At that point my knee was holding out just fine.
It was mile 6 that started to do me in. It was all steadily up hill. My knee started to complain and I started to slow down. By mile 7 I had to say goodbye to Marliese. I knew that she had a time goal and I didn't want to slow her down.
It was then when I was alone (surrounded by walkers and by now runners have started to pass us by... but still alone) that I really looked around and started to take it all in. I was HERE. In Maine. Where I made it a goal to be. And it was breathtaking! And I was here! I might not be running. BUT I had a body that could walk. I could waste my time being sad for what I couldn't do OR I could spend my time praising God for what I could do.
It was so bittersweet that I still don't know quite how to put it into words. I'm thankful for what I can do but at the same time I'm sad that I didn't get to do what I dreamed and trained for... for an entire year.
I know it's ridiculous to compare what I went through to someone like Michelle Kwan or the astronauts of Apollo 13 but don't we all have times like that in our lives? Times where we plan and prepare and even train for a certain outcome only to have disappointment reign? How do we pick ourselves up and keep going? and even try, try again?
Hope deferred makes our hearts sick. But a longing fulfilled? Why that's a tree of life! And what is a tree of life? Why it bears fruit with seed. Seed that when planted brings forth a harvest!
Soooo, I finished the half marathon in a "respectable" amount of time (according to my sister, Meredith) and went on to have a fabulous few days in the gorgeous state of Maine.
And while I'm trying to be a good sport and gracious about not being able to do what I set out to do... in a way I'm mourning too. I'm mourning the loss of my dream. I'm sad.
I thought of Michelle Kwan and how she smiled and interviewed through tears after she lost the gold. I remember commentators saying that she should be more poised. WHAT??? Seriously? For someone to be so passionate about something and then lose it... how can you not cry? Especially when you've given so much of your life to train for it.
So, I'm taking the time to be sad. After all, Christ said, "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
I think I'm done mourning now. Time to get back on the horse... er... treadmill.
The Frederick Half Marathon is coming up on May 2, 2010!
Here's to Michelle Kwan.
Here's to aiming for the moon!
Here's to hope.
Monday, September 14, 2009
I said WHAT???!!!
What silly things have you found yourself saying now that you are a parent that you would never have believed you would EVER say before you had offspring?
Here are mine that I can remember!
~Mommy needs privacy now... please do not ask me for a snack while I'm sitting on the toilet. Please leave the bathroom right now.
~No, you called me in here. You may have your own privacy when you do not need me to wipe your butt any longer. The sooner you learn to do this yourself the sooner you may have privacy too.
~What do you mean you need another piece of gum because you lost the first piece? Where is it?
~My favorite line from my sister who teaches kindergarten. This was said to a student who just shoved another student while they were all standing in line in the hall: You say excuse me before you shove someone!! (apparently saying "excuse me" makes it ok?)
~I'm still waiting for you to find that piece of gum!
~Take that out of your mouth! We only put food or a toothbrush in our mouths!
~Mommy needs peace and quiet for a little while... please sit down and watch some TV.
~(came out of my mouth while typing this post) Go and tell your brother that it does not feel good when he punches you in the stomach and you don't like it and he should stop.
~Did you find that gum yet?
~Go over there and pee in the bush!
~Why is this gum under your pillow?
~If you don't stop I'm gonna pound you! seriously?
~No when I was a little girl I didn't have Zach and Cody... or Hannah Montana. No, I wasn't sad. I had other shows that were just as funny. Yes, they were!
Friday, September 4, 2009
where there is life there is worth
We all traveled to the nursing home where she lives to celebrate her and her life. To honor a life of 91 years. A life where the first 85 years were spent taking care of herself and others. Now she can't get out of bed, or feed herself, or dress herself, or do anything to care for herself.
And we leave feeling loved and a little bit silly and definitely full of life.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Kyle's Day
When Todd got home from work today we asked Kyle where a 5 year old boy might just LOVE to eat dinner.
And he chose... drum roll please... BURGER KING!!! Ahhh nothing like the fine cuisine of Burger King to celebrate turning another year older.
Dinner was followed by a shopping trip to Wal-Mart where Kyle was fitted with a brand new Spiderman bike! Julianna and Drew just had to join Kyle out in front of our house with their bikes. Drew hasn't ridden his bike in so long that I was laughing to see how "small" the bike had gotten. It still had training wheels on it! He has never learned to ride without them. He scoots everywhere on his scooter (hahaha... my cooter, my pooter... that's a shout out to you Emilie!) and probably hasn't tried his bike in over a year. We took off the training wheels and WOW did he learn fast! I'll have to get better pictures of Drew on his bike tomorrow when it is actually light out.
Anyhoo... back to Kyle!
The kid party is Saturday so the cake will make an appearance then. The theme this year is Transformers. Should be interesting!
Kyle wanted to carry his own lunch to the playground for our birthday picnic. He got this little lunch backpack for his birthday last year and loves to carry his own stuff around in it.
Julianna and Drew enjoying lunch together!
Jake insists on feeding himself these days. Here he is feeding himself a peanutbutter sandwich. NO JELLY!! (Mommy does not like the mess!)
Just hanging out! What a cool dude, huh?
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Carol has had many tests in the hospital. It was determined that she was suffering from hemiplegic migraines... NOT A STROKE!!! Praise God! Apparently the symptoms she was experiencing can also be caused by these types of migraines. What happens is that a person will experience the symptoms and then get a full blown migraine.
The whole experience was just so scary for all her family and friends. We are so thankful that what she had was not as serious as what we first suspected it to be.
Thank you for praying! What a mighty God we serve!
-----Original Post------
This is Carol (and my shoulder... but you do not need to see what I look like on a camp retreat at 6am).
She is my pastor's wife and one of my dearest friends. Today she had what the doctor's are thinking was a mini stroke. She is doing well but remains in the hospital so they can do more tests tomorrow.
She is young and sweet and strong. She is the mother of four full of life boys and one (finally!) sweet little baby girl. Her husband Jon and I grew up together in the same neighborhood.
I am asking for your prayers. Please pray for her family as they are surrounding her with their love and care. Please pray for Jon, Carol is the love of fhis life. They call each other "Babe" and "Sweetie"... almost NEVER by their first names. Pray that the doctors would use the utmost wisdom and discernment in fully diagnosing her condition. You see, she has been lightheaded and "dizzy" and nautious for over a week now. Those symptoms came and went. They diagnosed her with vertigo last week and put her on medication for that. It didn't work. Today she went completely numb on her whole left side and had to call for her own ambulance while in a parking garage... alone!
Please pray most of all for Carol. Pray for complete healing and rest as she is exhausted and headachy.
Thank you so much for praying for my friend. We serve a Mighty God who is more than able to meet all our needs!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Lest I've Made You Think...
Here's proof that they DO indeed love one another!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I'm Trying... Really I AM!!!!!
I'm home now and have found that it is indeed a faulty router that has been the culprit. It's so good to have uninterrupted connections once again!
***Update 7/31/09***
Ok, so I FINALLY figured out (after how long?) that it's not my computer that is dying, Blogger isn't having technical difficulties... ready for this?... it's my Internet connection that's faulty!
Don't worry, I won't go looking for any jobs in the computer field anytime soon... er, let's be real... EVER!!!!
Right now I'm at Meredith's house drinking (her) beer, eating (her) pizza, and freeloading her non-faulty wireless access.
Good times!
But I cannot for the life of me get blogger to upload my pictures! And boy oh boy do I have some good pictures!
(sigh) maybe tomorrow?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
So nice to see you in the morning, Daddy!
Can you believe that these 2 boys could be so rude and disrespectful to their Daddy? I mean really! Don't they just look like
(sigh) We've got a lot more work to do with those 2!
Friday, May 29, 2009
More Sisterly E-Mail Fun (for Tiercy)
Mindy: Also, Mer and I were thinking (well, I shared my thoughts with her and she agreed) that we would try to go as a family to Dutch Wonderland instead of Sesame Place in the beginning of August. It is closer and still geared for kids so you don't get the white trash kissing in line. What does everyone think?
Michelle: I don't understand what you have against white trash kissing... if that's the case you and Shawn need to cool it ya know?
Meredith: We love to make out in line. Especially in my stretch jeans and halter half-shirt. I guess we won't go then.
Mindy: O-Kay Michelle and meredith will be kissing in line with their way too tight tops and bottoms. please make sure that Todd and Dan are wearing their wife beaters or at least have them tucked into their back pockets with their cutoff jean shorts
Michelle: Todd and I were thinking that since I've been working out I could pull off the bikini with unzipped cutoff jeans shorts look. Shoot... even without working out...
Mindy: These e-mail visuals are getting better by the minute
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
somtimes a mother brother needs a little help
Dear sweet Todd stayed home today so I could really rest my back. I seem to have thrown it out once again. All I can think is how darn beautiful the weather is and how suh-weet it would be to go for a 3-4 mile run today. But alas here I lay... bored in bed... listening to Todd clean the ants that we seem to be plagued with this season out of the shed before he mows our back yard. Seriously, it has taken him more time to clean the shed then mow the little plot of land we call a backyard. Now he and the kids are going to a field to play soccer. At least some of our family can enjoy the nice weather... Jake has another ear infection... found out yesterday... and is sleeping. I guess there is no denying that I need to schedule an ENT appointment for him. Seems ear tubes might be in the cards for him after all.
Whew, more info about our family then you thought you were in for, huh?
Ok! Now to the point of all this... as I lay here resting I have been going through photos on the computer and found these from the fall of 2004. Drew is 20 months and Kyle is about 2 months.
Here buddy, you lost your paci. Let me help you with that!
Open up so I can get it in there will you?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Guess that Baby!!!
Boy, oh boy, oh boy, oh girl, do I love those kids!! (That's not a hint) Can't wait to see how you do on the guessing!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Our Weekend Away!
A couple of weeks ago on April 19th Todd and I received the greatest gift.
A weekend ALONE. Like totally alone. With. No. Kids.
Todd told me that his wonderful Mom (Ann) and her Hubby (Al) had offered to watch our kids while we enjoyed the use of a condo of a friend of hers. The condo was in Ocean City, MD and it was RIGHT on the beach! Ann and Al and Uncle Blair arrived on Friday evening. It was like an army moving in to watch our little army. No seriously, the kids were so happy
We arrived late at night but we still managed to relax, open the balcony doors and listen to the sound of the waves rolling up on the shore before going to bed.
In the morning we opened the balcony once again to this view! We enjoyed doing NOTHING! No serving breakfast to 4 kids. No diaper changing. No refereeing. No doing ANYTHING we didn't want to do!
I actually read a book! At one point I looked up to see something catch my eye maybe 50 yards out from shore. As I kept looking to see what it was that caught my eye, I noticed like 20 dolphins frolicking in the surf. I was so excited that I had to call my Julianna and tell her what I was seeing. I tried to get pictures but by the time I grabbed my camera they were too far away already.
Todd on the balcony:
The kitchen:
On Saturday we walked on the boardwalk and grabbed lunch (crab cakes and beer) at a little place right there on the boardwalk. We noticed many people riding bikes up and down the boardwalk and noted where they were rented from. We decided that we just had to do this too on Sunday morning before we left for home.
I have to say that this was one of the most relaxing getaways I have ever been on!