Friday, July 31, 2009

Lest I've Made You Think...

...that they fight more than they do this:

Here's proof that they DO indeed love one another!

Oh how I love them!


How do YOU use them?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

I'm Trying... Really I AM!!!!!

***Update on the update***
I'm home now and have found that it is indeed a faulty router that has been the culprit. It's so good to have uninterrupted connections once again!

***Update 7/31/09***
Ok, so I FINALLY figured out (after how long?) that it's not my computer that is dying, Blogger isn't having technical difficulties... ready for this?... it's my Internet connection that's faulty!

Don't worry, I won't go looking for any jobs in the computer field anytime soon... er, let's be real... EVER!!!!

Right now I'm at Meredith's house drinking (her) beer, eating (her) pizza, and freeloading her non-faulty wireless access.

Good times!




But I cannot for the life of me get blogger to upload my pictures! And boy oh boy do I have some good pictures!

(sigh) maybe tomorrow?