Saturday, November 24, 2012


Happy holiday season everyone! I love this beautiful time of year. The month between Thanksgiving and Christmas is always so full of activity, and lights, and decorations, and shopping, and of course trying to relax and enjoy it all before New Year's Day comes and it's over all too quickly.

Thanksgiving was at Robin and Buff's home on the Eastern Shore this year. We enjoyed good food, family and the boys even enjoyed themselves some football. This year we decided to stay the night rather than try to drive home late when we are all tired. This way the holiday continued into the next day. Cousins played out in the barn, on the ATV's, on the golf cart, in the hot tub, in the game room on computers and the Wii. Todd and Buff got to go play some golf and Robin and I got to chill in front of the TV watching whatever we wanted and caught up with each other.

One of the highlights for me was breakfast! No, I don't mean my apple cranberry crisp. I mean the delicious juice that Buff made with his juicer. I haven't stopped thinking about it. It was incredible!

Sooooo, today Todd and I went shopping and Merry Christmas to me... we bought a great big giant blender thing called a Ninja! Emilie would be proud to hear that after years of hearing about it I finally made her green monster. Mmmmmmmm so good!

2 cups baby spinach
1 banana
1.5 cups almond milk (vanilla)

It was so simple and so very good. We also went shopping for lots of fruits and veggies so the fridge is stocked with healthy goodness just waiting to be pulvarized by my Ninja into yummy juices and smoothies.

I can't wait for breakfast tomorrow!


Emilie said...

YAY! This makes me so happy! I want a Ninja too.

Love seeing your blog show up in my reader! Keep it coming! xoxo

Meredith said...

Hey Michelle, are you still juicing? Actually, I should say... "hello? hello? is this thing on?" I miss your blog posts!