Monday, November 17, 2008

Catching Up!!

Wow it's been a while since I've posted!! This will be quick!

The kids had a fun Halloween! They decided to go to a harvest party hosted by a nearby church instead of door to door trick or treating. Yea for me!! Fun and games indoors!

A few days later we celebrated Todd's 38th birthday!! I tried my hand at cake decorating and was pleased with the results. Can you guess what his cake was?


Emilie said...

you are a cake decorating master! what a cute picture of todd with his kiddos. you guys are so great at making cute babies, maybe you should just keep going?

oh, wait. sorry todd.

(I saw this blog post after i wrote you that email, michelle) :)

Tiercy said...

Very cute costumes for your family!

Okay, so you gotta teach me how to make a cake like that. i tried to put something simple like a flower on my cupcakes...complete failure!!! The golf bag is awesome! How long did it take?

Michelle said...

I think it was just under 3 hours. Way too long and I hope I get faster as I make more cakes.

By the way, at noon on Lifetime you can now view back to back episodes of Desperate Housewives.

Hmmmm, do you think the cake decorating would have gone faster if I didn't have the TV on?

Steve said...

That cake is sooo cool. I love the Blue Power Ranger...wait, why is there a 3 on the helmet?

Michelle said...

Hi Stevie!!!

I'm honored you took the time to comment!

But... Kyle was SPIDERMAN not a Blue Power Ranger... and he doesn't have a 3 on his helmet those are his eyes.


Are you talking about the cake? Man, you just ruined your opportunity to have me make you a special cake on your birthday.