Monday, August 18, 2008

Locks of Love

Today was a big day for Julianna and her Mommy. For the longest time Julianna has been begging me to let her cut her hair. I, however, love long hair and was trying desperately to convince her that she would look the most beautiful with long hair. Besides then I could also put it in a ponytail, or braids, or French braids. I just love to do my little girl's hair! I finally convinced her to wait through the summer. I was secretly hoping she would fall in love with her long locks and I (er, I mean she) would get to keep them. Of course my plan failed as many an overbearing mother's plans do. Her hair got way to long for her to handle. So long that she couldn't brush it all out by herself. Getting her to wash it was as much a chore for me as for her. She wanted it ALL cut off! Sooo, I'd heard of "Locks of Love", an organization that takes real hair to make wigs for people who have lost theirs usually due to cancer treatments. Julianna and I visited their website. When she saw the pictures of the young girls in their before (without hair) and after shots (with their new wigs) she was sold. "Mommy, I want to do that! I want to give my hair to someone who can't have their own." My eyes sting just remembering how quickly she desired to help someone in need. Now that the deed is done I'm so proud of her. I think she looks just gorgeous no matter what length her hair is! AND we have (er, I mean she has) given someone the chance to have hair to play with once again! Before the cut! Julianna was so excited she had trouble sleeping the night before. How cute is that?
My good friend Trish cuts our hair. Here she is getting Julianna's hair brushed out and ready for the 10 inch ponytail necessary for "Locks of Love".
Free from the hair! Look at that smile!
So cute in her new hairdo!!
The ponytail needs to be sealed up in a Ziploc bag.
The plastic bag goes into the envelope. Now we are all ready for the mail tomorrow!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Here's a fun little game... leave a comment on our blog of a memory that we have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known us for a short time or a long time, if the memory is about one or the both of us, just anything that you remember! Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It is pretty funny to read the responses. If you leave a memory about us, we'll assume you are playing and come to your blog and leave one about you. On your mark... get set... blog those memories!

We've seen this post on another blog and left a comment; we figure that we'd better post it too so they will have a place to play.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Hershey Park ~ Day of Fun

On Tuesday the 12th we went to Hershey Park. This was the first time that Todd and I have taken our family to an amusement park. We couldn't have picked a better day. It was sunny in the mid 80's with no humidity. Almost unheard of weather for the middle of August.

All the cousins from my (Michelle's) side of the family decided to join us. Julianna and Britney had a great time going on all the "big kid" rides. Here they are waiting to go on the Merry-go-round. OK that's not a "big kid" ride but they were still excited to go on it. All was well until Julianna ended up on a horse that didn't go up and down. Then we all experienced one of her "big kid" temper tantrums. Oh well, at least it was short lived!

Drew, Britney, and Julianna on the swings.

Kyle waiting to go on the Merry-go-round with his Daddy. OK, I have to ask, what do you think about the hat? Let's just say it's definitely not a favorite of mine... and a good thing Todd wasn't wearing it when we met. Love the man - not the hat!!!

Here is Jake enjoying a mid-morning nap. He is such an easy going baby!

Here are Todd and my sister Mindy waiting in line with Kyle, Hannah, Luke, and Elliot.

This is one of my favorite pictures. At one point all of the kids spontaneously sat down, Julianna whipped out her map and they all started searching for where in the park all the water rides were. Julianna really looks like she knows what she is doing doesn't she?

And finally, what day at the park is complete without winning a mini basketball? Todd and my brother-in-law Dan disappeared for a few minutes and when they returned they had these with them. Way to go, guys!

OK, after doing all of this one thing is painfully obvious to me! Where am I? These pictures are just a sampling of all the ones that were taken at the park. In all those pictures there is not a single one of me. Hmmmmm... have to do better with that in the future!

OK, here we go!!

"Me blog? Never! Who on earth has time for that?!" Yep that's what I said not even an hour ago to my sister. Now here I am thinking, "Well maybe I have a LITTLE bit of time."

So I guess I'm going to start by saying that all this is due to my sisters Tiercy and Paige. Well, really my husband's sisters but we're all family right? I heard that they both had started blogs and while I initially scoffed at the idea I have to admit that I was a bit curious. So from time to time I would check out their sites and find myself really enjoying them. I found myself saying, "I can do that. Maybe if I did this my Mom would stop harassing me for pictures of the kids all the time!"

Why "Team Bumgardner"? I wanted something that was catchy and summed up who we were as a family. Lately the kids have been arguing about every little thing. Everything is a competition! Todd and I have found ourselves telling them over and over, "We are a team! We are FOR each other! Not against each other!"

Just this past Tuesday we all went to Hershey Park. We told the kids that we needed to look out for each other and stay together. "Like a team," I said, "We are Team Bumgardner!" My daughter said, "Let's put our hands together and on 3 say Go Team Bumgardner!" What a great idea. She's getting it!

Our "team" isn't ready for the Olympics yet. We are still in training. We may never get there but we are going to have fun, fun, fun during practice!