Friday, August 15, 2008

OK, here we go!!

"Me blog? Never! Who on earth has time for that?!" Yep that's what I said not even an hour ago to my sister. Now here I am thinking, "Well maybe I have a LITTLE bit of time."

So I guess I'm going to start by saying that all this is due to my sisters Tiercy and Paige. Well, really my husband's sisters but we're all family right? I heard that they both had started blogs and while I initially scoffed at the idea I have to admit that I was a bit curious. So from time to time I would check out their sites and find myself really enjoying them. I found myself saying, "I can do that. Maybe if I did this my Mom would stop harassing me for pictures of the kids all the time!"

Why "Team Bumgardner"? I wanted something that was catchy and summed up who we were as a family. Lately the kids have been arguing about every little thing. Everything is a competition! Todd and I have found ourselves telling them over and over, "We are a team! We are FOR each other! Not against each other!"

Just this past Tuesday we all went to Hershey Park. We told the kids that we needed to look out for each other and stay together. "Like a team," I said, "We are Team Bumgardner!" My daughter said, "Let's put our hands together and on 3 say Go Team Bumgardner!" What a great idea. She's getting it!

Our "team" isn't ready for the Olympics yet. We are still in training. We may never get there but we are going to have fun, fun, fun during practice!


Tiercy said...

Welcome to blogging world! I am so excited and want to thank you! Now, I will love knowing what is going on with your family! I love you guys!!!!

Tiercy said...

I was so excited that you are blogging that I didn't read the end of this post until now. I love the Team Bumgardner. We often say something similar to our children.