Saturday, March 28, 2009

I've got a whole lotta catching up to do!!

Hi there fans! Are you still out there? Wow it's been a long time since I've posted last. So much has happened! Let's start with birthdays!

Julianna turned 8 January 10th.

She enjoyed helping me make her cake.

We had a simple party here at the house for Julianna and all her friends. They had a great time helping our not so little girl turn another year older!

Then in February we had two birthdays and Jake's dedication.

Drew's birthday was on Monday the 9th of February but we celebrated his party with all his friends on Saturday the 7th which was really Jake's first birthday! Got that?

Sunday the 8th of February we dedicated Jake in church.
Yes, it appears that while we were standing up in front of the church and Daddy was reading scripture verses over Jake, Drew took that moment to, for some strange reason, kiss Jake's shoe!
And then when we wanted to take this picture:

Drew was nowhere to be found!

Later that afternoon my family headed to our house for lunch and a family party for our 2 February boys. Here is Jake's first birthday cake! He was so funny eating his first cake. He grabbed the cupcake we gave him and started sucking on it till he fell over on his highchair tray. He was so tired from being up all morning and into the afternoon without a nap.

Monday, February 9th was Drew's 6th birthday. We have a tradition in our family that the birthday boy (or girl) gets cinnamon rolls on the special Celebrate plate on their birthday morning!

So... apparently we are not allowed to have a month in 2009 that is not without its troubles. In January Drew had a high fever for several days. By the evening of the 3rd day he started crying and clutching his lower right abdomen in pain. I called the doctor and they told us to go to the ER to make sure it was not appendicitis.

4 hours later with everything except for severe gas pains ruled out we got to return home. Did I mention that this was a scrap booking night so my friends were scrapping at my house without me? Thankfully they were able to watch the other kids while I took Drew to the hospital. Todd had a basketball game to coach but he left it early to meet us at the hospital.

In the waiting room.

Then in February Drew and Kyle slammed into each other while running around the inside of their cousin's house. Kyle had a little bump on his forehead. Drew had the worst black eye I have ever seen. This picture was taken after it had the chance to calm down for a few days!

And this month... well this month Jake has ear infections that won't seem to go away! The doctors are talking about putting tubes in his ears. We will keep you posted after the next Dr. visit on Monday.

Finally, here is a picture of Jake sporting the sweater Aunt Ellen knitted for him for his first birthday! Thank you Ellen!! We love it! And... how cute is he??!! And yes, Ellen, the hat is a bit too small :) but we know new baby boys we can pass it along to.

I have actually taken up knitting too! However, scarves are about all I have mastered as of yet. Watch it come Christmastime everyone!

Ok I think that brings us more or less up to date.

Talk to you soon!



Emilie said...

Well NO WONDER you've been too busy to blog! Great job on all the birthdays (do you have a break for a while???) and here's to an injury/sickness free spring. Do we dare to dream? ALL your comments on my blog made me laugh. Guess you got all the adventures with Reed in one evening!!! Love,

Tiercy said...

Yahoo!! This fan is still out there. I love all of your cakes taht you are making, so cute!!

So, what ended up being wrong with Drew?

Tubes ended up being the best thing for Alayna and Tyler. Although it is hard to see them being wheeled away for the surgery.