Monday, September 14, 2009

I said WHAT???!!!

Just carrying on the humor that I found on MckMama's blog and also Emilie's. This post was oh so fun to write!!

What silly things have you found yourself saying now that you are a parent that you would never have believed you would EVER say before you had offspring?

Here are mine that I can remember!

~Mommy needs privacy now... please do not ask me for a snack while I'm sitting on the toilet. Please leave the bathroom right now.

~No, you called me in here. You may have your own privacy when you do not need me to wipe your butt any longer. The sooner you learn to do this yourself the sooner you may have privacy too.

~What do you mean you need another piece of gum because you lost the first piece? Where is it?

~My favorite line from my sister who teaches kindergarten. This was said to a student who just shoved another student while they were all standing in line in the hall: You say excuse me before you shove someone!! (apparently saying "excuse me" makes it ok?)

~I'm still waiting for you to find that piece of gum!

~Take that out of your mouth! We only put food or a toothbrush in our mouths!

~Mommy needs peace and quiet for a little while... please sit down and watch some TV.

~(came out of my mouth while typing this post) Go and tell your brother that it does not feel good when he punches you in the stomach and you don't like it and he should stop.

~Did you find that gum yet?

~Go over there and pee in the bush!

~Why is this gum under your pillow?

~If you don't stop I'm gonna pound you! seriously?

~No when I was a little girl I didn't have Zach and Cody... or Hannah Montana. No, I wasn't sad. I had other shows that were just as funny. Yes, they were!

1 comment:

Emilie said...

This reminded me of another favorite:
"Reed, where on earth did you put your popsicle?"