Sunday, May 2, 2010


This is going to be quick.

I have the whole house to myself except for Jake who is napping so this report will be fast so I can join him in snoozing for a bit.

The Frederick Half for this year is over. Last year my time was 2:24:18 and this year... drum roll please... 2:18:06!! Yeah!! A personal record. Not what I was shooting for (2:12:00)but hey, as long as I beat my last year's time I'm happy.

It was seriously humid this morning and if I can lay blame for a second here I just want to say that I think I could have done a bit better if not for that. I've not had the opportunity to train in the heat yet this year because the weather has been pretty mild up till now. I mean just the other day I was contemplating wearing a headband to keep my ears warm during one of my tapering runs because it was so cold and windy. Anyway, the whole run was hard for me. I felt like I was pushing the whole time. I got really hot the first mile and never really lost that "too hot" feeling. Even when there was a nice breeze.

More in a bit:) I'm resting now!


1 comment:

Tiercy said...

This is what I was checking for! Yahoo!!! Great job!! You ROCK!! you're a runna! I am so glad you beat your time for last year, such an accomplishment!

how did todd do?