Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Daddy's turn

Here is a survey I saw on Emilie's blog and gave to (K) Kyle age 4, (D) Drew age 6, (J) Julianna age 8 about Daddy age 38.
1.What is something Daddy always says to you?
K- Do you want to come with me to the store?
D- I love you.
J- I love you.

2. What makes Daddy happy?
K- if I do something for him.
D- hugging him and like doing something that’s really good without being asked.
J- When I obey him.

3. What makes Daddy sad?
K- If I don’t do something for him.
D- ignoring him when he asks me something. (interesting... he DOES realize this)
J- When he looses a basketball game. Like the one where he lost the championship. (ouch, but oh so true)

4. How does your Daddy make you laugh?
K- by doing funny things.
D- we wrestle and he tickles me.
J- By doing funny things.

5. What was your Daddy like as a child?
K- I don’t know.
D- a disobeyer, everyone sins. Then in a very sad pitiful voice…Talking about Daddy makes me wish he were here. (you're eating this up aren't you baby?)
J- probably full of great ideas.

6. How old is your Daddy?
K- 22
D- 38
J- 37

7. How tall is your Daddy?
K- 10 feet tall. (we always knew you were his hero!)
D- 7 inches (you think Daddy’s 7 inches?) ok, 8?
J- 4-5 feet?

8. What is his favorite thing to do?
K- go to work.
D- Watch TV.
J- He likes to play with us.

9. What does your Daddy do when you're not around?
K- working on the computer.
D- he does the computer
J- play on the computer

10. If your Daddy becomes famous, what will it be for?
K- I don’t know.
D- because he’s rich. (hahahahahahahahahahahahah)
J- For being a good basketball player

11. What is your Daddy really good at?
K- reading
D- teaching basketball
J- playing basketball
12. What is your Daddy not very good at?
K- if you’re not reading good
D- I never saw him do anything he wasn’t good at. (Todd, did you pay him?)
J- crying

13. What does your Daddy do for his job?
K- he goes to work!
D- he gets money at his work.
J- coach basketball

14. What is your Dad's favorite food?
K- everything!
D- Raisin Bran
J- cereal

15. What makes you proud of your Daddy?
K- When he says thanks for coming to the store with me!
D- I don’t know (that’s ok Todd, he wasn’t proud of me either!)
J- that he loves me and cares for me a lot.

16. If your Daddy were a cartoon character, who would he be?
K- Yoshi or something
D- Curious George
J- Handy Manny (because Daddy fixed the toilet)

17. What do you and your Daddy do together
K- go to the store with each other.
D- we wrestle and play together
J- play Sorry

18. How are you and your Daddy the same?
K- if we wear the same things.
D- our hair
J- we both have brown hair and we are both tall

19. How are you and your Daddy different?
K- if we wear different things.
D- He has those little spikes on his chin (whiskers).
J- I’m a girl and he is a boy. (duh)

20. How do you know your Daddy loves you?
K- he gives me a hug.
D- by telling me he loves me everyday.
J- he says it a lot.

21. What does your Daddy like most about your Mommy?
K- hugging her.
D- the way she looks.
J- that she’s a nice wife and doesn’t yell at him all that much. (again, hahahahahaha!)

22. Where is your Daddy’s favorite place to go?
K- to go to Chick-fil-a with us
D- to go play basketball.
J- basketball practice.


What I love most about Todd... (in no particular order)

10- He is committed.
9- Loves Jesus
8- Would rather play with the kids than play basketball contrary to what they say!
7- Doesn't get worked up and emotional like his wife... stays even and calm... like a rock!
6- Reads Bible stories to the kids almost every night.
5- He doesn't give up.
4- (A twist on Dr. Seuss) He means what he says and he says what he meant, my Todd he is faithful 100 percent!
3- He cleans.
2- He cooks.
1- He does the grocery shopping!!!



Emilio said...
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Tiercy said...

So cute!!! I love the kids perspective.

I'm going to have to try this one.