Monday, March 30, 2009

The Mommy Quiz

Here is a survey I saw on Facebook and gave to (K) Kyle age 4, (D) Drew age 6, (J) Julianna age 8 and Mommy age 39.

1.What is something Mom always says to you?
K- You’re welcome
D- I love you
J- I love you

2. What makes Mom happy?
K- cleaning the mirror
D- doing something right and making things neat and when I do what I need to do without being asked
J- Running on the treadmill

3. What makes Mom sad?
K- If I don’t do anything for you
D- not doing the right thing or fighting and ending up killing someone. (ok that's a scary answer)
J- When we disobey

4. How does your Mom make you laugh?
K- (giggling hysterically) I don’t know
D- you tickle me
J- By doing funny things

5. What was your Mom like as a child?
K- Hm, that’s hard
D- a disobeyer
J- nice

6. How old is your Mom?
K- 21 (good boy!!)
D- 40 (hey, watch it! Not... yet...)
J- 37? Or 38? 38!!

7. How tall is your Mom?
K- so big
D- Oh come on! I don’t know that answer! How tall are you?
J- 3-4 feet

8. What is her favorite thing to do?
K- read
D- Bible study
J- run on the treadmill

9. What does your Mom do when you're not around?
K- doing scrapbook
D- do the computer
J- Read

10. If your Mom becomes famous, what will it be for?
K- That’s hard
D- I don’t know how you become famous
J- Getting in good shape (awesome!!)

11. What is your Mom really good at?
K- reading
D- exercising
J- Loving me

12. What is your Mom not very good at?
K- if you’re not reading good
D- games (hey!!)
J- Steering a motorboat (uh, ok that’s random)

13. What does your Mom do for her job?
K- work on the computer
D- You look at stuff on the computer like messages
J- watching us

14. What is your Mom's favorite food?
K- cake
D- cake, ice cream (boys, boys, boys- you have me confused with Daddy!)
J- apples

15. What makes you proud of your Mom?
K- the green shirt you wear(green is Kyle’s fav color)
D- I don’t know
J- that you love me

16. If your Mom were a cartoon character, who would she be?
K-Peach or Daisy from Mario party
D- Mini Mouse
J- Mini Mouse

17. What do you and your Mom do together
K- play stuff on the computer
D- play games with each other
J- talk

18. How are you and your Mom the same?
K- if I wear the same shirt and the same pants and the same socks
J- we both love to read

19. How are you and your Mom different?
K- if we wear different things
D- the clothes that we wear
J- we have different taste in clothes (oh brother here we go!)

20. How do you know your Mom loves you?
K- cause I’m so cute
D- you tell me so
J- cause you say it

21. What does your Mom like most about your Dad?
K- like hug him and stuff
D- that you love him
J- that he’s a nice husband

22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go?
K- like Chick-fil-a
D- Panera
J- in our basement on our treadmill


Emilie said...

This made me laugh out loud several times. Hilarious!

NO WAY. You are praying for stellan too? I'm a stellan addict and when i read the recent posts, it is like putting my heart on the floor and stamping on it.

Michelle said...

You put words to exactly how I am feeling about that little guy.

I woke up thinking about him this morning. And everytime I hug Jake I send a little thought hug Stellan's way. Ugh, I can't stand thinking how his Mommy must be feeling. My throat is tight and tears sting my eyes at the thought of the stress and fear.

How did you find her blog. I did through Bring The Rain which I found through When Hello Means Goodbye which I found through Paige.