Monday, March 22, 2010

He Stole My Heart

So a lot has happened these past few months. One of my very favorite memories happened on the 28th of February.
It started with a phone call at 5:30 in the morning. Meredith was crying and laughing at the same time. Crying because she was in so much pain and laughing because this may just mean that she would not have to go in for her scheduled c-section two days from then.

I never got ready and out the door so fast. I actually beat her and Dan to the hospital and sat and waited in my car for a bit so as to not look too anxious. Appearances are everything you know.
Meredith was having interesting contractions. They would be regular then they would slow down. Over and over it was like this. She continued to progress throughout the day but it was a very slow process. At the end when she was ready to push they gave her a touch of pitocin to help keep her contractions regular.
I have never been so proud of her in her whole life. She was amazing! Watching a life come into this world is like a runner's high that I never came down from for a few days. Little Zachary Joseph stole our hearts from the first moment and he continues to do so. He weighed in at 7 pounds 12? ounces. His older brother was 9 pounds and had to be born by c-section due to complications and the cord being wrapped around his neck. More than anything Meredith wanted to be able to have a successful v-bac and she did!!

This little guy rounds it out to an even dozen grandchildren for my parents! Look at his little swollen face. He is just a few minutes old in this picture. I can't believe that Meredith even has the strength to smile.

Here Mom and I pose with Meredith and Dan and their new little one. Notice Dan is wearing his Florida Gator wear. He firmly believes that it is never too early to start influencing your kids!

1 comment:

beth said...

Congrats, Michelle, on your new nephew. Please pass my congrats and good wishes on to Meredith and your parents (they have almost caught up with Ann on grandkids.) I agree that watching a child come into this world is the ultimate HIGH. Of my four grandkids, I only was there for Reed's birth--but I watched through mirrors as all three of my own kids arrived--each of those moments was euphoric. Klaus was with me when Emilie was born, but can you believe, that when my first two were born, Dads weren't allowed in the delivery room. Barbaric!!

I also loved your post about you and Todd. Lots of congrats due on that one.