Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Snow Much Fun!

Did we get snow this winter or what? Here are some pictures of our "Snowpocalypse". I loved every snowy minute of it. Can we have some more please? Next winter... not now, of course!

Here is Drew back on the morning of Saturday, February 6th standing in front of our slider giving us a bit of perspective. We are due to get 2 more feet of this stuff a few days later. And we did!! Right on Drew's birthday the 9th and on into the 10th.

Jakey isn't so good at giving us perspective as he is licking the window :)

OK this is our neighborhood mailbox that is taller than me. I had shoveled out a path to it from one side. From the other side we all shoveled out our parking spaces and added to the mountain behind the mailbox. The kids took great joy in climbing and sliding on this man made mountain.

Heavens, boys! Be careful!!!

You know of course that this is Drew... aka the "ER Magnet".

The view out our front door to the left.

The view out our front door to the right. This is after some melting had taken place. Tiercy and Emilie, see that spot in the distance between the houses? That's a mountain. It is closer than it looks! So Em if you go ahead with your other blog there is my hiking place :)

I don't know if you can see very well but to the left is the roof of a car. They are sitting level with the roofs of cars. Wild huh?

Thank you winter for "bringin' it" this year!! Now go ahead and make way for spring!

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