Sunday, November 7, 2010


What I learned on my weight loss journey. I doubt it will be anything you haven't heard before but sometimes if you are like me, you need to hear it 20 times before it sinks in...The following are my experiences, you may disagree with them. And that is okay.

1) Food has one purpose and one purpose fuel the body. It helps if the food tastes good but its main purpose is to fuel the body. That means we must watch what we eat if we want to lose weight or to maintain weight. If we don't care if we gain weight, then eat whatever you want. In other words, be purposeful about what you eat. You may feel that I completely changed my diet 180 degrees, but I didn't. I just ate healthier and cut out the desserts. The adage is true: You are what you eat.

2) If you are planning to go on a diet or are on one, then what you are doing is making a change of some kind right? Less calories or less carbs, less sugar, etc... Make the right changes and you will lose or maintain weight either quickly or slowly but what does it matter if the weight comes off? I saw results quickly and no doubt that spurred be on. Plus, I set a deadline, by Nov. 5th because I would be turning 40. Treat yourself every once in awhile to something. I knew I would have some dessert on my birthday and surely I could give it up for 2 months.

3) Sugar is not the enemy. Our choices are. Most people know what to do about losing weight, they just need to do it. Exercise regularly, eat healthy, be absolutely committed and get the sleep you need. Plus have support. It didn't help when everyone would offer me some cookies or something and I had to say no. When I would say no, they would be like,"Oh yeah that's right, I am sorry." But It was easy to say no because of my results and willpower. Huh, which came first, will power or results.... don't know. Sounds like something for another time.

4) Don't drink your calories. Your body doesn't need them. Drink water or tea. Limit juice. Like everything else, you can have juice in moderation.

5) Chocolate milk is a great recovery drink. Much to my kids dismay, they knew the chocolate milk in the refrigerator was Daddy's and if they wanted some c. milk, they were to get the mix out of the pantry and it to cold milk. This is a great way to replenish after a workout. This may seem to be a contradiction about not drinking your calories, but my sole purpose was to replenish after a heavy workout of lifting weights. (BTW, I lifted a total of 35,000 pounds during each of my workouts. I hope you are impressed because I was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

6) It became easier to make these changes as time went along. It was a lot harder at first b/c it was new but it gradually became easier. I knew the end was in sight and I was having great results. I looked forward to weighing myself every morning and seeing what I weighed. it amazes me how much your weight can vary in a day. This is why I say my weight range is to be between 220 an 225 pounds.

7) There are numerous benefits to having undertaken this challenge. I am definitely more healthy and have more energy. I look good and feel good. I can't wait to get my 40 year old physical and see what my cholesterol numbers are, blood pressure is and resting heart rate.

8) My kids and wife will see a healthier me and know that it is important to take care of yourself physically. We don't know how much time we have while here on earth but the benefits of being in shape are great.

9)Good food tastes good and bad food just tastes bad. Your taste buds come alive and I can honestly say that I really looked forward to eating my salad, salmon, broccoli, peppers, etc... because it tastes good and is good for you. The though of eating McDonalds or a Little Debbie snack made me think there is no way I am going to eat that.

10) Do you know how hard you have to work out to offset a donut? Really hard. Eating that donut takes like two minutes and to work those calories off it easily takes at least like 25 minutes. That coorelation alone is enough to make me give up donuts. It isn't worth it.

I hope you enjoyed my journey. Take care and if you are planning to undertake a weight loss endeavor, you can do it!!!!!!! Good luck and be healthy.



Elizabeth said...

Todd, Again, congrats on your disciplined approach and success in accomplishing your weightloss goal. I just have one thought in response to what you said. When you say that the only purpose of food it to nourish the body, technically you are right. But think of all the camaraderie, conversations and family togetherness we have experienced around the dinner table. Breaking bread together can certainly bring a family together. And the conversations can be as stimulating with salmon and broccoli as with donuts. I remember so many good meals with all of us around a long table on Oak Island. Yes, some times it was lasagna but more often it was fish and crabs fresh from the ocean. Meal time is often the only time a family sits together in our busy lives--I have always cherished those times. Just a thought---!!!

Michelle said...

I agree with you Beth! It's all about balance though.

Like this weekend with family Todd decided that as a reward for being so good for the past 2 months he wasn't going to worry about any "rules". He just enjoyed the family and the flavors!

There is nothing better than a big delicious meal with loved ones!

Todd said...


Of course you are right about that. I only meant the nutritional value of food, not all the extras that come with it like you mentioned. And of course, those extras have their own merits as well.


Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the response, you two. Yes it is absolutely about balance and Todd, you most definitely deserved a rule-free weekend. I look forward to a time when we all sit together again around a home-cooked meal and have a lively conversation. Hugs to your wonderful kids--and to you too.