Thursday, January 27, 2011

Scrapbook Challenge

The other night I watched the movie Julie & Julia for the first time.
I loved it!
I found myself wanting to go out and buy Julia Childs' cookbook and cook my way through it too. I like the idea of a challenge and pushing myself just to see if I can do the thing (whatever the "thing" may be). The amusing thing was that while I was watching the movie I was trying out a new recipe. A beef soup recipe that had cilantro and lime as ingredients. I have to admit that I am a sucker for any recipe that has cilantro and lime in it. Mmmmmmm!!! I'm getting hungry just remembering how wonderful that soup was..... but I digress.

Where was I?
Oh yes! A cooking challenge!

But that's not me. Me? I like to run. AND scrapbook.
So I got to thinking. I'm waaaaaaaaaaaay behind on our family scrapbooks. I mean I still haven't finished Julianna's baby years! That means I'm like 10 years behind. That's a lot!

Last night I sat down and completed a 2 page spread/layout in our family's 2001 photo album. While I was doing this little Jake came up to see what I was doing. "Look at baby Julianna!" I said to him. He looks up at me with those big brown eyes and asks, "Where is baby Jakey?" My heart twisted inside my chest. I quickly found some pictures of him as a baby for him to Ooooh and Ahhhh over and he skipped off to play oblivious to the guilty Mommy he had left behind. I looked down at the pages I had just completed in my album and I thought to myself, "That was fast and easy! If I could do that each and every night then I bet I could get caught up in one year's time! Then there would be a whole album of baby Jakey for him to look at!"

My scrapbook challenge was born!

Here are the facts:
2 pages a day for a year means 730 pages completed!!
If each of my albums holds 45 pages then that is 16.2222222222.... albums!!
I'm figuring on trying to keep it to one year per album but that might be too conservative considering how many pictures I have. So that extra 6.22222... albums gives me a little "wiggle" room.

So, is scrapbooking your thing too? Do you, like me, need to "get cooking" on your album projects? Care to join me in a little scrapbook challenge?

I am accepting my own challenge to complete 730 pages on or before January 25th of 2012. With 2 pages down that's 728 pages to go!

If you do decide to join me and find yourself needing supplies... well you can go to my website and take a look around!

Excuse me while I go scrapbook!

Happy Scrapping!

I have decided to name my challenge "Let's Get Cookin' on our Albums" in honor of the movie Julie & Julia that inspired me.

Do you care?

I'm a geek I know!
Today I have spent a few hours organizing my scrapbook station and am almost done with my 2 pages for today. I might even have time to do some more!

Again, Happy Scrappin'!!


Tiercy said...

I so thought you were going to share the recipe!! Please share it. I love anything cilantro and lime too!!!!!

Okay, so two pages a day is too much for me right now with my church responsibilities and everything, but how about 2 a week? Besides, i am not as far behind as 2001. I think I am caught up to either 07 or 08. Hard to believe that at one point I was caught up. I didn't like it cause then I had nothing to do.

btw - I have told Steve to eat something. lol. sure wish that was my problem.

Mrs. P said...

So I am not sure if you monitor because my post didn't go, but if not let me try again! I happen to stop by tonight because I had not in awhile and WOW, did it hit the spot. I struggle with this so much, but when you put just 2 pages a day can do so much, makes sense. Now once I finish moving my "playroom" this week, I think I am ready to take the challenge with you. It kills me that I can't make the crops due to our schedule. It is my hope to make the next one. Thanks for the encouragement.

ann said...

How about doing mine too? I have 46 years of pictures to deal with. Since I don't scrapbook, I'm bringing them to you! What a daughter-in-law!!!!

Not LOLing!