Monday, August 18, 2008

Locks of Love

Today was a big day for Julianna and her Mommy. For the longest time Julianna has been begging me to let her cut her hair. I, however, love long hair and was trying desperately to convince her that she would look the most beautiful with long hair. Besides then I could also put it in a ponytail, or braids, or French braids. I just love to do my little girl's hair! I finally convinced her to wait through the summer. I was secretly hoping she would fall in love with her long locks and I (er, I mean she) would get to keep them. Of course my plan failed as many an overbearing mother's plans do. Her hair got way to long for her to handle. So long that she couldn't brush it all out by herself. Getting her to wash it was as much a chore for me as for her. She wanted it ALL cut off! Sooo, I'd heard of "Locks of Love", an organization that takes real hair to make wigs for people who have lost theirs usually due to cancer treatments. Julianna and I visited their website. When she saw the pictures of the young girls in their before (without hair) and after shots (with their new wigs) she was sold. "Mommy, I want to do that! I want to give my hair to someone who can't have their own." My eyes sting just remembering how quickly she desired to help someone in need. Now that the deed is done I'm so proud of her. I think she looks just gorgeous no matter what length her hair is! AND we have (er, I mean she has) given someone the chance to have hair to play with once again! Before the cut! Julianna was so excited she had trouble sleeping the night before. How cute is that?
My good friend Trish cuts our hair. Here she is getting Julianna's hair brushed out and ready for the 10 inch ponytail necessary for "Locks of Love".
Free from the hair! Look at that smile!
So cute in her new hairdo!!
The ponytail needs to be sealed up in a Ziploc bag.
The plastic bag goes into the envelope. Now we are all ready for the mail tomorrow!


Tiercy said...

Wow, what an amazing daughter you have! The desires of her heart make her as beautiful as her outer beauty. And boy is she!! I too am a long hair girl, but I love her new A-line cut. For her to make that connection so quickly, you and Todd are doing something right. I love you guys!

Paige said...

Michelle, I am so glad you are blogging now!! My internet is down and I am bummed (looking at this at work), and want to get back to blogging soon. Love Julianna's hair. And she can wear it both long and short--what a beautiful daughter. Hope we can get the girl's together soon. Hope we can all get together soon--August 23rd!!! Keep blogging!

beth said...

Hey Michelle and Todd,

Great that I can now check in on you from time to time I love keeping up with all of you this way.

Wonderful to see photos of your beautiful children and I too loved the hair story. Juliana looks gorgeous with her new hairdo

Love to all

Emilie said...

oh good grief. that's TOO adorable. She looks great, of course. (funny how I had to beg Skyler to cut her hair and she finally let me!).

So glad to see the blog! I had a feeling you'd be the next to join. I'll love keeping up with you and your 4 beauties this way. You'll find the time (trust me, it's addictive). Keep it up!


Unknown said...

As the proud grandmother,I have to say that those pictures don't do her justice. Wow! What a beauty she is and as Tiercy said, her inner beauty shines through!

Tiercy said...

Dear Addicted,
C'mon Michelle. You teased me. I am sure your well hasn't run dry. I am sure Jake is already walking and headed to pre-school. I'm dyin to hear from you over here. Where's the video I thought you were going to post.

wantin' more

I love you and am totally kidding (sort of)! Just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you and your gang.

Michelle said...

Dear Tiercy,
Look closer... one of the haircut pics is a video clip. Not very exciting... actually it was more exciting figuring out how to post it. But nevertheless, it is a video. Enjoy!
More to come!!

Tiercy said...
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Tiercy said...

Dear Michelle,
I guess being married to my brother you have figured out that we aren't the most observant tools in the shed. (Did I really just liken myself to a tool?) I am going to check out the clip now. sending hugs and kisses!!