Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Cousin's Birthday Party... Colchagoff Style!

On August 23rd the Pagleys and the Bumgardners traveled to the Colchagoffs for a day of fun. Robin started this tradition a year or two ago. We get together once a year to celebrate all the cousin's birthdays at once. We played on the beach, frolicked on the jet skis, peed on jellyfish stings (well, I didn't, but the kid's swear it works!), ate dinner and then the kids opened their presents. Here are some pictures of our beach fun! What a nice way to end the summer!
Can you just picture these 3 in a couple of years... showing off for the ladies... er, I mean girls?

Notice how all the Daddies are carrying the kids? Apparently Daddies are good protection from jellyfish!

Go Tobin, go!!

Grayson broke his foot earlier this summer and had to wear a protective covering over his cast.

Buff, carrying Grayson up to the car after his turn on the jet ski. Again, proving that Daddies are so cool.

Todd with Kyle!

Todd and the "big" kids!

Todd and I and the little guy!

Brenna and Julianna being Brenna and Julianna.

All done with the jet skis!


Paige said...

Love your blog of this more than mine. Glad I have yours to complete the story.

Tiercy said...

What an awesome day! I can't believe how big all the kids are getting. I think Torin looks like Blair in the picture you posted.