Monday, May 4, 2009

Funny Story

So Meredith calls me this morning and says she wants to ask me a question. Do I remember around mile 11 hearing this conversation:

Runner 1: (to her buddy... something to the effect of) Wow, our training is really paying off!

Runner 2: Yeah!

Runner A: (to her buddy... but close behind Runner 1 & 2) What? We were supposed to train for this?

Runner B: laughter

Runner 3: looks at A and rolls her eyes, smiles and says sarcastically... Ha ha, very funny!

I was stunned! How did Meredith know about a random conversation that I had along the race?
Turns out that her friend from work (with whom she wanted to hook me up with to run the race... but never got the chance to introduce us) was Runner A. Meredith asked A at work this morning if she thought she saw me along the race as we both ran 11 minute miles and had close to the same times. A said she didn't know what I looked like but that there was this one tough girl woman who was every bit as sarcastic as Meredith was and if A had to guess anyone to be Meredith's sister, that tough girl woman would be her.

Yes, you see what's coming don't you... allow me to introduce myself... I am runner 3.

I was cracking up! Of all the thousands of people running in the race I am identified by my sarcasm!

At least I am consistant!


ann said...

gmailSo glad it was a great weekend for you all. We had a good time too. Amazing children!

Tiercy said...

I think my mom left this in the wrong comment box. haha. That is so funny and I love it. We need to get you and Steve together so I can just laugh. Love ya!