Saturday, May 30, 2009

So nice to see you in the morning, Daddy!

The other morning Todd and I got up super early to work out. We're talking 5:00am here folks! I was running on the treadmill and lifting weights. Todd was out for a walk/run with Penny.

When he got back he found that the boys were up so instead of insisting that they go back and lay down in their beds till at LEAST 7am he thought he would cut them some slack and let them get up and play on their Nintendo DS games together.

Lately they have totally loved the download feature where they can play the same game together but each be on their own system at the same time.

It didn't take long before we heard (in voices way too loud for that time of morning) Kyyyyy-lllllllee!! WHY CAN'T YOU DO WHAT I TELL YOU TO???!!! (hmm, if Mommy and Daddy can't get you guys to do what WE want you to do what makes you think that Kyle will listen to you?....)

Because Todd had already told them to quiet down once already it was now time to take the gameboys away and have them do something else.

Todd came down to where I was working out told me I'd better put my heavy weight down for this. He said that when he went to take their games away Drew looked up in utter disgust and muttered, "Shouldn't you be at work by now??!!

Todd said he shot back with, "Shouldn't you be in bed??!!!"

Can you believe that these 2 boys could be so rude and disrespectful to their Daddy? I mean really! Don't they just look like two boys just looking for trouble two angels?

(sigh) We've got a lot more work to do with those 2!


Tiercy said...

Hilarious! Those two cohorts for sure. How cute is that. I don't even think my boys would last two seconds even with the download feature. Good for you guys working out!

Paige said...

Hilarious was going to be my first word too! Pinky swear. I love that brother of mine. Love all of it. What a treasure to keep ahold of on this blog.

Meredith said...

Michelle, would you post something new already?